Monday, January 17, 2011

A time to be born

Life is a blessing....which most of the time we take for granted.  As you know...I love babies.  This week has been an extra special blessing in our of my sisters and one of my sister-in-laws had beautiful baby girls...just a few days apart.  God has been good, God IS good, and God will ALWAYS be good!  I am so thankful for the blessing of these precious little girls.  May they grow up to bring Him glory!

Be sure to check our Etsy shop this week....we plan on adding a few new items.  With warm weather still a ways off, {for some of you anyway} we have a variety of hats and scarves to meet your winter needs :)

Also if you get the chance, 3 of our daughters have blogs that I'm sure you will get a blessing from.  Covenant Maiden, Graceful Maiden, and Covenant Daughter.  

Sola Deo Gloria!

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