On July 4th we spent the day with some of our friends from church. That night they put on a great fireworks display. Thanks Bobby, Tim, and James!!
We have had a wonderful summer and I hate to see it come to an end. It seems that summer doesn’t last as long as it used to when I was a kid. I don’t think we realize how quick life is until we are older. Then, most of life has passed us by. Each of us need to make every day count for Christ.
We are getting ready for Revival at our church next Sunday and today James preached an excellent sermon on what Revival really is. Most of us tend to think that we don’t need revival and that it is for dirty, rotten sinners. Don’t get me wrong, it is for “those” as well. But if all of us were truthful, we would say that we are all rotten sinners! But we all want to stay on our high horse and not acknowledge that we are scum without Christ. True revival is seeing God for who He is, LORD of all, and seeing ourselves for who we really are, rotten sinners, and humbling ourselves before the Almighty God! THEN we will most definitely see a revival like none we have seen before! Oh, that we could have a revival that, like the Flood of ‘08, would be talked about for generations to come! But it must first begin in my heart and yours. We must be willing to get rid of our proud, stony hearts and bow before the King of kings, and allow the Holy Spirit free reign in our lives. Christians have become so cold and indifferent to the things of God. We need to return to our first love, to the ONE who first loved us, who loved us WHILE we were still sinners. We have become so busy with OUR lives that we have forgotten that our purpose is not SELF, but to glorify GOD!
I hope that you will pray with me, “LORD, create in me a clean heart, and RENEW a right spirit within me. Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation. Oh, LORD pour out Your Spirit among us and forgive us, for we are nothing without You.” LORD, send a Revival and let it begin with me!
“Be still, and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:10
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