2009 is now upon us. Another year has come and gone. What should our motto be for this new year? First and foremost it should be, God's Design for 2009. What does God want from us this year? It should be the same thing He has wanted for generations! To give our lives wholly and fully unto Him! Let's make that our goal together, and what a difference we could make in this Nation!
Alot has transpired since I wrote last. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with our family in Charleston, but we were sick during the Christmas holidays so we weren't able to travel. But we enjoyed some time here at home with just the "Fam". On New Year's Eve we had a watch night service at church and watced a good movie called Pendragon. The Burn's Family Studios have started making Christian -based family movies. I definitely recommend this movie!!
James made an announcement at church that night that I'm sure most have heard by now- We are expecting our 8th child!! We had truely thought that that time of our life was over, being that our youngest just turned 5! But God's ways aren't always the ways we think they are going to be! We are truely happy though with this surprise! Even the rest of the children can't wait, som
e have already started making blankets and things! James was teasing and telling everyone that it happened after I touched the book, The Duggar Family, 20 and Counting! We were out shopping on our anniversary (Dec. 19th made 16 years!!) and I bought the book, (and a pregnancy test) and that's our story!! Our due date is August 13th. Please keep us in your prayers for a heathy momma and baby! One the sideline of our blog, there are a couple of pregnancy tickers to help you keep track of our baby's growth. God Bless!
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